Sunday, November 21, 2010

*your failure is not a reason for ♥ JESUS ♥ to stop lovin' you :D

*i'm not pretty, i'm not smart, i'm not rich, i'm not popular, but i've got something more than that, I HAVE THE LORD J E S U S ♥

*If you hear God's voice today, do not be stubborn
*troubles like washing machine, twist us and knock us around, but in the end we come out brighter and better than before -faithbookforfacebook-

*Ajarlah aku melakukan kehendak-Mu, sebab Engkaulah Allahku ♥

*sekalipun aku berjalan dalam lembah kekelaman, aku tidak takut bahaya sebab Engkau besertaku. Mazmur 23:4 ♥


*TUHAN itu dekat kepada orang-orang yang patah hati, dan Ia menyelamatkan orang-orang yang remuk jiwanya. Mazmur 34 :19 ♥

* Di luar Aku kamu tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa!! Yoh 15:5

*Sebagai orang Kristen kamu mungkin mengalami kesulitan-kesulitan, tetapi itu sebanding dengan keselamatan jiwamu.

*Tuhan selalu punya cara untuk bikin kita senyum ditengah-tengah masalah. :D

*Bersandar pada Tuhan, bukan yang lain! cuma Tuhan yang bisa nerima kita apa adanya, gak ada yang lain! :)

*Ajari aku untuk 'terlalu' Tuhan, terlalu percaya pada-Mu, terlalu mencintai-Mu, terlalu bersandar pada-Mu, sampai akhirnya mataku hanya tertuju pada-Mu, dan dunia bukanlah hal yang terpenting lagi bagiku.

*Best revenge? Smile, be happy, never let them know that it's hurting you.


Monday, November 15, 2010

This picture/card was made by Andrea she's my friend @church she's very talented in drawing. This card was made to said thx  to peoples who helped our ret-ret. I loved this card, it's unique! and I really blessed by having her n peoples who's in the picture XD

Develop a More Positive Attitude by Smiling

The simplest way to demonstrate a positive attitude is to smile. This expression has so many benefits to both you and others around you. It is a marvellous way to show others that you are feeling good. Seeing someone smile makes others smile too!
Have you ever walked along the street and smiled at another person? I don't know about you, but when I give a smile, I usually receive one in return. You feel good, and the other person feels good. Think of something that makes you feel happy, and smile.
If you are feeling really good, it can be very difficult not to smile. A genuine smile comes from within - a demonstration of good feelings and emotions. The expression is brought on by the emotions that you feel, and not by a decision to merely turn up the corners of your mouth.
It is quite easy to identify the genuine smiles from the "put on" ones. Real smiles affect the whole face. The corners of the mouth are turned up, and the muscles around the eyes tighten causing laughter lines to appear. "Put on" smiles only affect the muscles around the mouth.
As an exercise, get hold of a magazine and look at various photographs of people smiling, and identify the genuine smiles. Are these people smiling from within, or are they just making themselves look happy by moving their facial muscles? Next, go to a mirror and smile. Check that you are smiling from within.
Please don't worry about showing wrinkles around your eyes. These creases are evidence of a life full of laughter and joy! Genuine smiles demonstrate the way you truly feel.
If your smile is genuine, give it to others so that they can be touched by it!


Top 10 Reasons to Smile

1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive

We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in (avoid these smile aging habits to keep your smile looking great).

2. Smiling Changes Our Mood

Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling Is Contagious

When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.

4. Smiling Relieves Stress

Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System

Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure

When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin

Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.

8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger

The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.

9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful

Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.

10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive

Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling. 


Top 5 Wonderful Beach Trips Around the World

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Anse Source d’Argent:

It is the second best beach in the Seychelles and is also one of the most popular beaches.The beach is composed of more than 100 palm tree-studded islands in the midst of the Indian Ocean.
Also, Anse Source d’Argent beach is one of the most popular photographed beaches and is featured in various travel magazines and also in travel programs. This beach is located on La Digue. La Digue is one of the principal islands. This island has various sport activity centers.
There is pink sand at the beach and it gives a more beautiful look to the beach, but the beach is not safe for swimming.

Lanikai Beach:

The water in Lanikai beach is exceptionally clear, blue and too beautiful.This beach is considered as the best swimming beach. This is the most popular beach in Hawaii.
An offshore coral reef guards the deep turquoise lagoon. This makes surfing relatively mild and is ideal for kayaking, splashing, canoeing, windsurfing and sailing.
Also, you will find the bird sanctuaries and twin islands of Mokulua and Mokumanu in the small distances. You can access them by kayak and boast prime sunrise views.

Paradise beach:

This beach is seasonably simple. The coast is full of many palm trees and meets the calm pristine turquoise waters of the Caribbean.Best to come in summer season, groups of young travelers come on shore to party in the humid trills and secret coves.
The beach is doted with thatched umbrellas and lined with shops, bars and discos. The visitors to these hoarse sands will enjoy the seascape of Mediterranean.
A reef to just offshore ensures your privacy by preventing outsiders from entering into the beach. It also provides some marvelous snorkeling on numerous coral reefs.

Trunk Bay:

Trunk Bay is the most beautiful beach in the world, located on St. John in the US.It has the most modern and convenient facilities and receives most visitors of any beach on St. John.
The beautiful beach has soft white powdery sand extending into the sea.
The beach is bordered with coconut trees, sea grapes and many beach mahos. Also, it is one of the most popular photographed and photogenic beaches. This is the most popular beach for snorkeling.
The spit of sand running out toward Trunk Bay gives a heart shaped look to the beach.

Tulum beach:

This is an increasingly most popular Mayan Riviera destination of Tulum and is 80 miles to the southeast of Cancum.This is a sandy powdered beach with isolated rocks.
Snorkeling and swimming are the best beach activities you can perform when seas are calm.There are various resorts in front of the beach, which offer yoga classes but not all inclusive night clubs along the sand.


Today Commitment

Bapa, ku persembahkan tubuhku s'bagai persembahan yang hidup kudus dan yang berkenan padaMu, s'bagai ibadah yang sejati. Biarlah hatiku,tubuh,jiwa dan rohku memujiMu dan biarlah rohMu yang kudus menuntun hidupku sampai someday U'll call me to my home far away dan memakai aku untuk menjadi terang bagi sekelilingku... I belived .Your are awesome GOD ever, wonderful, I can't express it in words it's so hard to say something bout You because Ur really-really PERFECT, Lord Jesus.....

Why God created me?

Revelatiom 4:11. " For Thy pleasure they are and were created". So, first God created us for menyenangkan Dia, ketika kita bantu orang lain kita tuh lgi nyenengin Dia, kita hidup itu bukan hanya untuk diri sendiri tapi juga buat orang lain. Jangan mau jadi bangsa yang tidak memupuk belas kasihan, cuek, tapi jadilah bangsa domba yang memupuk belas kasihan.  Second Tuhan mau pakai kita, ex. perkawinan di kana (yoh 2:7) Tuhan sebenernya tuh bisa aja penuhin sendiri anggurnya tapi Tuhan mau pakai kita karena itu adalah hak yang istimewa, Tuhan kasih kita kehormatan, Tuhan mau kita ambil bagian. and third Tuhan mau kita mencerminkan karakter Kristus. Jadi orang bisa lihat kristus dalam diri kita. God blessed!


Maranatha (either מרנא תא; maranâ' thâ' or מרן אתא; maran 'athâ' ) is an Aramaic phrase occurring once only in the New Testament (see Aramaic of Jesus) and also in the Didache which is part of the Apostolic Fathers' collection. It is transliterated into Greek letters rather than translated, and is found at the end of Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians (1 Cor 16:22) . The NRSV translates it as: "Our Lord, come!" but notes that it could also be translated as: "Our Lord has come"; the NIV translates: "Come, O Lord"; the NAB notes:
"As understood here ("O Lord, come!"), it is a prayer for the early return of Christ. If the Aramaic words are divided differently (Maran atha, "Our Lord has come"), it becomes a credal declaration. The former interpretation is supported by what appears to be a Greek equivalent of this acclamation in Rev 22:20 "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!""
The phrase may have been used as a greeting between Early Christians,[1] and it is possibly in this way that it was used by the Apostle Paul.
The original Greek meaning of "anathema", a gift or sacrifice to God, leads to the interpretation that "Anathema Maranatha" in a New Testament context could mean "a gift to God at the coming of our Lord." John Wesley in his Notes on the Bible comments that, "It seems to have been customary with the Jews of that age, when they had pronounced any man an Anathema, to add the Syriac expression, Maran - atha, that is, "The Lord cometh;" namely, to execute vengeance upon him." The Catholic Encyclopedia states, "Anathema signifies also to be overwhelmed with maledictions... At an early date the Church adopted the word anathema to signify the exclusion of a sinner from the society of the faithful; but the anathema was pronounced chiefly against heretics." The negative understanding of maranatha began to die out by the late 19th Century; Jamiesen, Fausset and Brown's commentary of 1871 separates Maranatha from anathema in the same way as modern scholars. However the traditional interpretation is still occasionally found among some Christians today.
"Maranatha" is the name of a Swedish Pentecostal movement of considerable success during the 1960s, although it has since lost in popularity. Some of its opinions are controversial, including denial of evolution. Latterly it has lent its name to Maranatha Music and to various other Pentecostal churches, including Maranatha, Waterford.
"Maranatha" is the name of a song by Christian artist Michael Card. It is also the name of a song by Christian hip hop artist Sho Baraka, as well as the title of an album by Swedish black metal band Funeral Mist.
"Maranatha" is the name of a song by Christian artist James Hellings, which features on the album 'Agnus Vincit'
"Maranatha" is the prayer word recommended by the World Community for Christian Meditation, the community of followers of the teaching of John Main OSB's teachings on the practice of Christian meditation. The prayer is one where one places everything aside: instead of talking to God, one is just being with God, allowing God’s presence to fill one's heart, thus transforming one's inner being.[1]
"Maranatha" is the name of Tenth Presbyterian Church's youth group in Philadelphia.
Maranatha is the name of a first season episode of the TV series Millennium by Chris Carter.
The term is also used for projects involving working with those in need, such as the Maranatha Care Children charity.


The signs of Christ return

The Bible states:
Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven."
Acts 1:9-11
Many Christians believe:
  1. The coming of Christ will be instantaneous and worldwide.[7] "For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." ~ Matthew 24:27
  2. The coming of Christ will be visible to all.[8] "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." Matthew 24:30
  3. The coming of Christ will be audible.[9] "And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." Matthew 24:31
  4. The resurrection of the righteous will occur.[10] "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first." ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:16
  5. In one single event, the saved who are alive at Christ's coming will be caught up together with the resurrected to meet the Lord in the air.[11] "Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord." ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:17
  6. Human life will cease to exist on earth for a period of time.[12] "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up." (2 Peter 3:10)
source :
info: If you want to know about the second coming of Jesus you can open this link

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Setiap kali anda melihat ulat di dalam diri sesama, bayangkanlah akan menjadi kupu-kupu seindah apa dia nantinya. -faithbookforfacebook-


Monday, November 8, 2010


Media blog pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh, yang dimiliki oleh PyraLab sebelum akhirnya PyraLab diakuisi oleh Google.Com pada akhir tahun 2002 yang lalu. Semenjak itu, banyak terdapat aplikasi-aplikasi yang bersifat sumber terbuka yang diperuntukkan kepada perkembangan para penulis blog tersebut.
Blog mempunyai fungsi yang sangat beragam,dari sebuah catatan harian, media publikasi dalam sebuah kampanye politik, sampai dengan program-program media dan perusahaan-perusahaan. Sebagian blog dipelihara oleh seorang penulis tunggal, sementara sebagian lainnya oleh beberapa penulis, . Banyak juga weblog yang memiliki fasilitas interaksi dengan para pengunjungnya, seperti menggunakan buku tamu dan kolom komentar yang dapat memperkenankan para pengunjungnya untuk meninggalkan komentar atas isi dari tulisan yang dipublikasikan, namun demikian ada juga yang yang sebaliknya atau yang bersifat non-interaktif.
Situs-situs web yang saling berkaitan berkat weblog, atau secara total merupakan kumpulan weblog sering disebut sebagai blogosphere. Bilamana sebuah kumpulan gelombang aktivitas, informasi dan opini yang sangat besar berulang kali muncul untuk beberapa subyek atau sangat kontroversial terjadi dalam blogosphere, maka hal itu sering disebut sebagai blogstorm atau

 Komunitas Blogger

Komunitas blogger adalah sebuah ikatan yang terbentuk dari [para blogger] berdasarkan kesamaan-kesamaan tertentu, seperti kesamaan asal daerah, kesamaan kampus, kesamaan hobi, dan sebagainya. Para blogger yang tergabung dalam komunitas-komunitas blogger tersebut biasanya sering mengadakan kegiatan-kegiatan bersama-sama seperti kopi darat.
Untuk bisa bergabung di komunitas blogger, biasanya ada semacam syarat atau aturan yang harus dipenuhi untuk bisa masuk di komunitas tersebut, misalkan berasal dari daerah tertentu.

Jenis-jenis blog

  • Blog politik: Tentang berita, politik, aktivis, dan semua persoalan berbasis blog (Seperti kampanye).
  • Blog pribadi: Disebut juga buku harian online yang berisikan tentang pengalaman keseharian seseorang, keluhan, puisi atau syair, gagasan jahat, dan perbincangan teman.
  • Blog bertopik: Blog yang membahas tentang sesuatu, dan fokus pada bahasan tertentu.
  • Blog kesehatan: Lebih spesifik tentang kesehatan. Blog kesehatan kebanyakan berisi tentang keluhan pasien, berita kesehatan terbaru, keterangan-ketarangan tentang kesehatan, dll.
  • Blog sastra: Lebih dikenal sebagai litblog (Literary blog).
  • Blog perjalanan: Fokus pada bahasan cerita perjalanan yang menceritakan keterangan-keterangan tentang perjalanan/traveling.
  • Blog riset: Persoalan tentang akademis seperti berita riset terbaru.
  • Blog hukum: Persoalan tentang hukum atau urusan hukum; disebut juga dengan blawgs (Blog Laws).
  • Blog media: Berfokus pada bahasan kebohongan atau ketidakkonsistensi media massa; biasanya hanya untuk koran atau jaringan televisi
  • Blog agama: Membahas tentang agama
  • Blog pendidikan: Biasanya ditulis oleh pelajar atau guru.
  • Blog kebersamaan: Topik lebih spesifik ditulis oleh kelompok tertentu.
  • Blog petunjuk (directory): Berisi ratusan link halaman website.
  • Blog bisnis: Digunakan oleh pegawai atau wirausahawan untuk kegiatan promosi bisnis mereka
  • Blog pengejawantahan: Fokus tentang objek diluar manusia; seperti anjing
  • Blog pengganggu (spam): Digunakan untuk promosi bisnis affiliate; juga dikenal sebagai splogs (Spam Blog)

Budaya populer

ada lebih 10 juta blog yang bisa ditemukan di Internet. Dan masih bisa berkembang lagi, karena saat ini ada banyak sekali software, tool, dan aplikasi Internet lain yang mempermudah para blogger (sebutan pemilik blog) untuk merawat blognya.selain merawat dan terus melakukan pembaharuan di blognya, para blogger yang tergolong baru pun masih sering melakukan blogwalking, yaitu aktivitas dimana para blogger meninggalkan link di blog atau situs orang lain seraya memberikan komentar. Beberapa blogger kini bahkan telah menjadikan blognya sebagai sumber pemasukan utama melalui program periklanan AdSense, posting berbayar, jualan link, afiliasi dan lain-lain. Sehingga kemudian muncullah istilah profesional blogger, atau problogger, orang yang menggantungkan hidupnya hanya dari aktivitas ngeblog. karena memang faktanya banyak chanel-chanel pendapatan dana baik berupa dolar maupun rupiah dari aktivitas ngeblog ini.

Resiko kejahatan

Karena blog sering digunakan untuk menulis aktivitas sehari-hari yang terjadi pada penulisnya, ataupun merefleksikan pandangan-pandangan penulisnya tentang berbagai macam topik yang terjadi dan untuk berbagi informasi - blog menjadi sumber informasi bagi para hacker, pencuri identitas, mata-mata, dan lain sebagainya. Banyak berkas-berkas rahasia dan penulisan isu sensitif ditemukan dalam blog-blog. Hal ini berakibat dipecatnya seseorang dari pekerjaannya, diblokir aksesnya, didenda, dan bahkan ditangkap

All about internet

Open this link for detailes 

Perkembangan Internet

Pengaruh Perkembangan Internet

Sejarah Internet

Pengertian Internet

Manfaat internet 

(source: dari website



Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sari Simorangkir





He care

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

 Bila hati terasa berat tak seorang pun mengerti bebanku
 Ku ta-nya Yesus apa yang harus ku buat
 Dia berfirman "Mari datanglah", Dia selalu pedulikan aku
 Ku da-tang Yesus Dia pikul s'gala bebanku 
 diatas tuh adalah penggalan lirik lagu sujud di altarnya, lagu ini 
 punya kesan tersendiri buat aku,pas lagi keadaan susah, bingung,
 bimbang, khawatir, kecewa,susah,sedih,dan putus asa tiba-tiba inget 
 lagu ini terus terasa lega, apalagi kalo direnungin tiap kata 
 dari lagu ini, wow! buat aku sih terasa bgt kalo kita dtg
 di kaki Tuhan pasti Dia bakal bantuin kita, Dia amaze bgt deh,
 ga rugi punya Bapa sperti Diaaa! 
 THX ya God ... love You!XD 

God said

Sunday, October 31, 2010

God said :
if you never felt hurt, how do you know I'm a healer?
if you never felt sad, how do you know I'm a comforter?
And if your life's perfect, would you know me? -faithbookforfacebook-


agape teens


Monday, October 25, 2010

Lidah merupakan salah satu organ terpenting yg ada di tubuh kita. Karena dengan mulut, kita mengeluarkan hal negative dan positive. Lidah bagaikan kekang kuda, bagaikan susu yg ditumpahkan ke tanah yang tidak bisa diambil lagi, seperti sumber mata air, seperti api yg kecil tetapi bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yg besar/berguna, Seperti perumpamaan di atas, setiap apa yg kita katakan pasti akan terjadi baik berupa kutukan maupun berkat.dengan Lidah Tuhan menciptakan alam semesta, menjadikan segala yg baik. Tetapi kalo lidah kita tdk kita kontrol akan menghasilkan perselisihan, kutuk, dll. dan itu akan mencerminkan siapa kita sebenarnya. so, setiap apa yg mau kita katakan kita pikir dulu apa dampaknya negative atau positive, jagan mulut kita dulu yg duluan tetapi biasakan kita menjadi pendengar,dan belajar utk berpikir sebelum bertindak. God Bless!

Friendship in Christ

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Our friendship will never die till whenever, I loved you guys n I'm really- really blessed by  having you guys! that support me to grow in Christ n other things  :)


An exhausting weekend

Thursday, September 30, 2010

This week are FULL of TEST n assignments, n I'm so tired (VERY). I also got sick (cough, flue, headache), actually I've been lazy to go to school,but because now i'm in year 9, n there's lotta of homework, and test,n so I do not miss lessons, I go to. But I'm so thankful for His protection, blessed, n many more.I should be grateful for all his goodness. that's all for this week!

Arus Populer

Monday, September 27, 2010

Arus populer, itu adalah sifat yg hampir semua dari kita mepunyai sifat itu. Arus populer itu kita tuh pengen populer atau buat sesuatu yang bersifat jelek atau tidak baik supaya diterima oleh teman kita/ suatu kelompok tertentu yang dianggap populer. Saya terkadang merasakan hal itu saya pengen populer, tapi satu hal yang saya belajar terkadang kita ga mau beda sendiri contohnya; ada tmn kita yg ngomong kata-kata sia-sia atau menyontek, karena kita mau populer, ga mau dimusuhin jadinya kita ikut-ikutan. Mungkin kalau kita populer itu menyenangkan bisa terkenal,punya temen banyak,bisa senang-senang, dll. seperti ada lagu sekolah minggu : "di dalam dunia ada dua jln lbr dan sempit mana kau pilih, yg lebar api jiwamu mati tapi yg sempit Tuhan berkati". lagu ini melambangkan klau di suatu jalan yg lebar pasti lancar, senang, tidak kena macet. Tapi kalo jalan yg sempit seperti gang, jarang ada yg ngelewatin karena sempit banyak gerobak, klo lewat kiri kanan tembok/ got, dan itu ga bersifat menyenangkan. Itu adalah gambaran bagi kita klo jalan yg sempit itu, hidup dalam Tuhan tuh pasti banyak tantangan, masalh, persoalan tapi semakin banyak persoalan kita akan semakin bertumbuh dalam Tuhan untuk capai FINAL DESTINATION. Kita hidup di dunia ini tuh cuma sementara, apa yg ada di dunia ini juga sementara, jadi jangan kita sia-siain hidup kita sama hal-hal yg menyenangkan yg hanya sementara karena kita ga tau kita hidup sampai kapan, ingat semua yg kitalakukan akan kita pertanggung jawabkan dihadapan Tuhan.